Contributing Authors and/or Partners Wellcome Cool

Here is list of open work items - features that you are invited to develop or contribute your help. 
If you are interested in contributing here, drop me an email  (  and we will get
in touch by phone (skype?) to directly discuss particular implementation

 1) Localisation to other languages

 2)    Word Interpreter (Import) . Idea is to be able to read word file and render it into RS session. So word file can be used as boiler plate content. OLE Automation / MS Word Experts wellcome     Open
 3)    HTML Interpreter. (Import)  The same as with word files but rendering HTML files. This could be very interesting as it woul let developers reuse contents directly from web .  Open
 4)    Any other Content (Import) that You think you could make available for reporting purposes Open
 5)   Technical Writing/Editing/Menthoring help needed. Open
 6.  Improving Printing to support mixed page orientations. RS Pro*
 7. Output Handler for HTML. Very important feature for web implementations of 'silent' scripts producing output and returning HTML back.    Rs Pro*
 8. Low level control over Printing. We need to obtain much more direct control over printing process.
Rs Pro*
 * Planned for RS Pro VersionÂ